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FUCHS lubricants Iranian Company

FUCHS lubricants Iranian Company., a subsidiary of Fuchs Germany, started its operations in 2004 and is a supplier of engine, industrial, marine, motorcycle oils and grease oils to the market. The German company FUCHS was founded in 1931 by Dr. Radolf Fuchs in Mannheim, Germany, and today with more than 87 years of experience, as the largest independent lubricant manufacturer in the world, operates in more than 85 countries.



 Head Office & Plant : Plot No. 3588,Eshtehard Industrial Town,Eshtehard-Iran Postal Code:3188115813

Tel/Fax : (+98-21)71164

Tehran Office : Northern 6 Floor,No.42 ,Soltani (Sayeh) St.Nelson Mandela Blvd. Tehran, Iran Postal Code: 1967733827

Tel/Fax : (+98-21)71164

Email : info@fuchs.ir


Service Contact
Business hours:

Sat-Wed: 08:00 - 17:00